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So far I've accepted two pull requests into
bitbucket.com/larry/cpython350 in the 3.5 branch, what will become
3.5.0rc2. As usual, it's the contributor's responsibility to merge
forward; if their checkin goes in to 3.5, it's their responsibility
to also merge it into the hg.python.org/cpython 3.5 branch (which
will be 3.5.1) and default branch (which right now is 3.6).<br>
But... what's the plan here? I didn't outline anything specific, I
just assumed we'd do the normal thing, pulling from 3.5.0 into 3.5.1
and merging. But of the two pull requests so far accepted, one was
merged this way, though it cherry-picked the revision (skipping the
pull request merge revision Bitbucket created), and one was checked
in to 3.5.1 directly (no merging).<br>
I suppose we can do whatever we like. But it'd be helpful if we
were consistent. I can suggest three approaches:<br>
<li>After your push request is merged, you cherry-pick your
revision from bitbucket.com/larry/cpython350 into
hg.python.org/cpython and merge. After 3.5.0 final is released
I do a big null merge from bitbucket.com/larry/cpython350 into
<li>After your push request is merged, you manually check in a new
equivalent revision into hg.python.org/cpython in the 3.5
branch. No merging necessary because from Mercurial's
perspective it's unrelated to the revision I accepted. After
3.5.0 final is released I do a big null merge from
bitbucket.com/larry/cpython350 into hg.python.org/cpython.</li>
<li>After your push request is merged, you pull from
bitbucket.com/larry/cpython350 into hg.python.org/cpython and
merge into 3.5. In this version I don't have to do a final null
I'd prefer 3; that's what we normally do, and that's what I was
expecting. So far people have done 1 and 2.<br>
Can we pick one approach and stick with it? Pretty-please?<br>