[Python-ideas] Cofunctions - Rev 6

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sat Oct 29 00:10:52 CEST 2011

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> I think having such a
> construct will help qualm many of the fears people had about the
> original version of the implicit invocation proposal - just as
> try/except blocks help manage exceptions and explicit locks help
> manage thread preemption, being able to force ordinary call semantics
> for a suite would allow people to effectively manage implicit
> coroutine suspension in cases where they felt it mattered.

Maybe, but I'm still not convinced that simply factoring out
the critical section into a 'def' function isn't sufficient to
achieve the same ends of auditability and protection from
unexpected changes in library semantics.

Also, elsewhere you're arguing that the ideal situation would
be for there to be no distinction at all between normal code
and coroutine code, and any piece of code would be able to
carry out a coroutine suspension. Would you still want a
critical section construct in such a world, and if so, how
exactly would it work?


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