<p>I think it's clear that file locking and asynchronous IO (aio and OVERLAPPED) are sore points and should be better exposed. </p>
<div class="gmail_quote">On Sep 14, 2011 2:27 PM, "Massimo Di Pierro" <<a href="mailto:massimo.dipierro@gmail.com">massimo.dipierro@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br type="attribution">> I would help but I do not feel competent as I am not a windows user.<br>
> For portability reasons I have had a need for:<br>> <br>> win32con.LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK<br>> win32con.LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY<br>> win32file._get_osfhandle<br>> win32file.LockFileEx<br>> pywintypes.OVERLAPPED()<br>
> <br>> Although I have not used this much, the ability to talk to windows app is also useful:<br>> <br>> import win32com.client<br>> xl = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")<br>> <br>
> Massimo<br>> <br>> On Sep 13, 2011, at 11:12 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:<br>> <br>>> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Massimo Di Pierro<br>>> <<a href="mailto:massimo.dipierro@gmail.com">massimo.dipierro@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
>>> For me the only reason win32 is important is to implement a cross-platform file locking.<br>>>> I did not mean to propose web32 should be included but a portable file locking api would be useful.<br>
>> <br>>> If Windows developers wanted to work with Mark Hammond to figure out<br>>> and systematically extract a core subset of stable pywin32<br>>> functionality potentially suitable for inclusion in the standard<br>
>> library, that may not be a bad thing (there's currently already<br>>> duplication between the two, since the stdlib needs aspects of the<br>>> win32 API to implement modules like subprocess and multiprocessing,<br>
>> but in those cases the pywin32 version is almost always more feature<br>>> complete).<br>>> <br>>> The stdlib version could evolve as the standard library does, while<br>>> pywin32 could move a bit quicker in responding to releases of new<br>
>> versions of Windows.<br>>> <br>>> However, CPython+pywin32 suffers from the curse of being a "good<br>>> enough" solution most of the time (especially if you start with a<br>>> bundled installer that takes care of finding a suitable version of<br>
>> pywin32 for the version of CPython being installed).<br>>> <br>>> Personally, I do think this idea has potential to be a valuable<br>>> project, but I also think the same could be said just for helping<br>
>> pywin32 consolidate its web presence and promote itself more clearly.<br>>> Currently, a Google search for pywin32 gives you:<br>>> <br>>> ~4 hits on the SourceForge project. This is *correct*, but SF in<br>
>> general (and currently pywin32 in particular) is organised for<br>>> existing developers, not for users or potential new developers<br>>> (finding the latest release and being sure it *is* the latest release<br>
>> is not trivial - more on this below).<br>>> <br>>> The next hit is on Mark's old starship page - that's ancient and<br>>> hasn't been used for pywin32 downloads in years<br>>> <br>
>> Next we have the PyPI page, which appears to be a couple of releases<br>>> out of date (SF has 216, PyPI has 214)<br>>> <br>>> Then we have two copies of the PyPI documentation, one hosted by<br>
>> ActiveState (as part of the ActivePython 2.7 docs), the other by Tim<br>>> Golden.<br>>> <br>>> Assuming Mark was happy to go along with the idea, it would be great<br>>> to see some real content at <a href="http://pywin32.sourceforge.net/">http://pywin32.sourceforge.net/</a> instead of<br>
>> the current placeholder page.<br>>> <br>>> For example:<br>>> - quick description of the project and how it can really help with<br>>> Windows-specific development (and general Windows compatibility)<br>
>> - link directly to latest download file on Sourceforge<br>>> - link to PyPI entry<br>>> - link to the user mailing list (<a href="mailto:python-win32@python.org">python-win32@python.org</a>, I believe)<br>
>> - basic instructions on how to get involved as a developer<br>>> <br>>> As an even larger task, it would be great to see some Sphinx docs for<br>>> Pywin32 that provided an overview of the various modules included in<br>
>> the package, and references out to the relevant MS documentation (as<br>>> well as to the automatically generated documentation for pywin32<br>>> itself).<br>>> <br>>> Regards,<br>>> Nick.<br>
>> <br>>> -- <br>>> Nick Coghlan | <a href="mailto:ncoghlan@gmail.com">ncoghlan@gmail.com</a> | Brisbane, Australia<br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Python-ideas mailing list<br>
> <a href="mailto:Python-ideas@python.org">Python-ideas@python.org</a><br>> <a href="http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-ideas">http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-ideas</a><br></div>