config'in apache for python

Matthew Barre mbarre at
Fri Mar 10 16:21:20 EST 2000

Sorry about not giving enough detial. Maybe this will help
> Your question is ambiguous, but I'll guess that you're trying
> to enable the calling of Python scripts ending in .py via CGI,

Yes I'm trying to make it so that when I refer to a cgi script in my cgi bin
the script is executed instead of being just printed to the browser.

> but
> outside of your configured script aliased directories.

The scripts reside in the cgi-bin directory that apache creates when it is
installed. I have also created a cgi-bin on a user account and added the
appropriate lines to access.conf, httpd.conf, and srm.conf to what I would
think would allow scripts to be executed. Frustratingly the scripts don't
run from either location.

> If so, add this to the appropriate section of srm.conf (or httpd.conf,
> if you follow the new single-file fad).
> AddHandler cgi-script .py

I added this line, but I still get the source code being printed to the
browser. For assurance I tried it in httpd.conf and in srm.conf without

> Now my guess may be wrong. Perhaps you're looking to configure
> PyApache. If so, I'll leave that discussion to someone who's done it.

Nope just regular Apache aka httpd :) Thank you very much for the help thus


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