Pipermail -> Netscape

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Tue Mar 21 10:33:17 EST 2000


today I had to grab a pipermail archive and include it
as a netscape folder. This works fine, but the "From:"
fields are not as nice as they could be.

So I wrote the attached script. Maybe it is of use for somebody.

Grab a pipermail file
run the repair_from() function on it
Quit Netscape
Drop the modified file somewhere between Netscape's mail files
Rename it to something without extension, like "patches-feb"
Start Netscape, find your new folder and enjoy.

ciao - chris

the veery complicated script
--- piperep.py ----------------------------------------
regenerate email addresses from pipermail archives
ct y2k0321
Problem: Email headers appear as such:
'From: Andrew M. Kuchling akuchlin at mems-exchange.org'
while it should be
'From: "Andrew M. Kuchling" <akuchlin at mems-exchange.org>'
for Netscape.

import string

def repair_from(fname):
    txt = open(fname, "r").readlines()
    new = []
    for line in txt:
        if line[:6]=="From: ":
            words = string.split(line)
            if len(words) > 2 and words[1][0] != '"':
                pre, mid, adr = words[0], words[1:-1], words[-1]
                mid = '"%s"' % string.join(mid)
                adr = '<%s>\n' % adr
                line = string.join([pre, mid, adr])
    open(fname, "w").writelines(new)

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