Why should I switch to Python?

Tim Peters tim_one at email.msn.com
Fri Mar 31 23:37:58 EST 2000

[Aaron Turner, a 3+ year Perl fan, wants someone to convince him against
 his will to try Python]

[Chris Ryland]
> Oh, no, not another Perl vs. Python war! ;-)

Well, if it weren't for those, the Python community wouldn't get any
exercise at all -- it's good to break a light sweat once a year <wink>.

> Why is it that every generation has to figure out the hard way
> that whatever tool works best for them is what's best for them?

Because each generation is a shallow copy of the preceding one.  If only we
could get a deep copy-- just once! --poor God wouldn't have to keep
reincarnating poor Guido.

&-i-wouldn't-have-to-keep-nailing-pythonic-theses-to-the-door-ly y'rs  - tim

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