what is the equivalent of scanf in python?

Tom Funk _spam_sux_tdfunk at _spam_sux_nettally.com
Tue Mar 14 11:57:51 EST 2000

In an article posted Tue, 14 Mar 2000 15:43:12 +0000 (GMT),
Oleg Broytmann (phd at phd.russ.ru) said:
> On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Shaun Hogan wrote:
> > what is the equivalent of scanf in python?
>    There is no direct scanf in Python - you should implement your own
> parsing of input. Example:
> line = sys.stdin.readline()
> x, y = string.split(line[:-1])
> x, y = int(x), int(y)

You might also take a look at the split method in the re module.  This 
will allow you to use regular expressions to chop up your data.

  >>> import re
  >>> import string
  >>> text = "name: John Doe, age: 29, Address: 1234 Main St."
  >>> pat = re.compile("[:,]")
  >>> fields=pat.split(text)
  >>> fields
  ['name', ' John Doe', ' age', ' 29', ' Address', ' 1234 Main St.']
  >>> d={} # make a new empty dictionary
  >>> # for each item in fields, collect the field name and data
  >>> for I in range(0, len(fields)-1, 2):
  ... 	d[string.strip(fields[I])] = string.strip(fields[I+1])
  >>> d # show what we did
  {'Address': '1234 Main St.', 'age': '29', 'name': 'John Doe'}


-=< tom >=-
Thomas D. Funk (tdfunk at asd-web.com)      |       "Software is the lever
Software Engineering Consultant          | Archimedes was searching for"
Advanced Systems Design, Tallahassee FL. |

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