segmentation fault with Tkinter in Solaris (sft)

Ryan Thompson ryan at
Wed Mar 29 13:33:38 EST 2000

In article <slrn8e4dj6.302.ryan at>, Ryan Thompson wrote:
>I am trying to install and use Tkinter in solaris. I have updated tcl and
>tk to version 8.3.0. I have installed Python 1.5.2, and when I try to use
>Tkinter I get segmentation faults:

After a little more research I see that python 1.5.2 only works with
tcl/tk 8.0 in solaris, but will not work with 8.1 or higher without
patches. Is this true for 8.3? Is the segfault behavior consistent with
problems which might happen due to having tcl/tk 8.3 installed?



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