Tkinter: OptionMenu question

Peter Funk pf at
Thu Mar 9 06:57:44 EST 2000


>  |Randall Hopper:
>  |> How do you set the font?
>  |> 
>  |> This:
>  |> 
>  |>     menu = apply( OptionMenu, ( parent, var ) + tuple( option_names ),
>  |>                   { 'font':PANEL_FONT } )
>  |> 
>  |> generates:
>  |> 
>  |>     TypeError: unexpected keyword argument: font
>  |
> Peter Funk:
>  |Since 'Tkinter' itself contains no class 'OptionMenu', I guess you
>  |are using the fine Pmw package by Greg McFarlane.
> Hi.  Thanks for the reply.  Actually I was using Tkinter.  Tkinter does
> have an OptionMenu class written in Python code that is instantiable (see

Yes.  Indeed.  I should have better checked before posting.  :-(

However this "poor mans" OptionMenu class only provides a very raw
wrapper around the MenuButton class.  As far as I can see from the
source in the only way to set the font is to access
the menu component afterwards and use 
to change the font.

You should consider getting your hands on the Pmw.

Regards from Germany, Peter
Peter Funk, Oldenburger Str.86, D-27777 Ganderkesee, Germany, Fax:+49 4222950260
office: +49 421 20419-0 (ArtCom GmbH, Grazer Str.8, D-28359 Bremen)

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