Unpacking extension (Re: A small inconsistency in syntax?)

Bernhard Herzog bh at intevation.de
Tue Oct 30 15:31:29 EST 2001

"Steve Holden" <sholden at holdenweb.com> writes:

> <James_Althoff at i2.com> wrote in ...
> >
> > Bernhard Herzog wrote:
> > >Personally, I wouldn't mind to see the "[a,b] = sequence" syntax go.
> >
> > I agree.  I think it's confusing and adds no value (unless I'm missing
> > something).
> >
> But since it's been permissible for a long time, removing it might break
> existing code. Would you propose a PEP to go through the "from __future__
> ..." phase and arrive at "feature removed"? As far as I'm concerned it
> remains a quirk, which I could easily live without but equally easily
> ignore.

Certainly, and since it's relatively unimportant, it would be probably
best to remove it in 3.0, since that will at least some other
incompatible change like the behavior of the division operator.


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