Need arguments for "Python vs. Perl as an OOPL"

Matthew Wilson mwilson at
Tue Sep 23 10:08:17 EDT 2003

I suggest that you write that python prototype and don't worry about the
python-vs-perl debate.  Python vs. perl is a false dilemma and a waste of
energy.  In my experience, converting a well-written, well-documented
python program to perl is fairly straightforward, especially if you've got
people that are familiar with both languages.  The hard part (for me) is
figuring out the functions/classes/algorithms that will solve the puzzle. 
Once that's done, you should be able to convert your app to perl, C, java,
etc, given enough time.

In general, I tend to think of python and perl (and any language really)
as different systems of shorthand/markup for my pseudocode.  I like python
because I got tired of writing stuff like this:

foreach my $x (@{$hashref->{'arr'}} ) { ... } #too many non-word characters!

Furthermore, dealing with subroutine parameters in perl isn't nearly as
pretty as python, IMHO.  But in general, my brain works on puzzles in the
same way (very slowly), regardless of which language I'm using.

Anyway, a completely different strategy to take, if you feel like being
snarky, is to mention how parrot will interpret perl and python, so in a
way, your python is already written in perl 6.

> Roy Smith wrote:
>> I'm working on a prototype of a new application in Python.  At some
>> point, if this ever turns into a product, the powers that be will almost
>> certainly demand that it be done in Perl.  My job will be to convince
>> them otherwise.
> Do you need to convince them now, to allow you to continue working on it
> in Python, or are you just preparing for the time when they will come and
> ask for it to be done in Perl?
> I ask because I suspect the best way of convincing them will be to do
> nothing, and stand back watching as your Python prototype continues to
> work without problems, while those attempting to rewrite it in Perl
> waste a lot of time and never get it quite working...  and even if they
> do, just print out a couple of pages from both and show them to the
> "powers that be" and that ought to do the trick.
> Unless they are wholly uninterested in readability and maintainability.
> :-(
> -Peter
> --

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