loop scope

Jacek Generowicz jacek.generowicz at cern.ch
Fri Mar 19 03:35:56 EST 2004

danb_83 at yahoo.com (Dan Bishop) writes:

> One way to avoid this problem is to have an explicit scope-creating
> construct instead.
> def foo(a):
>    scope outer:
>       a = 3
>       scope inner:
>          a = 4
>          print a            # prints 4
>          print outer.a      # prints 3
>          print foo.a        # prints the function parameter
>       print a               # inner.a is out of scope, so prints 3
>       foo.b = 5             # Creates a new function-scope variable.
>    print b                  # prints 5

I think that the elegance of nested scopes relies on the language
being able to find the innermost scope which contains the given name,
_without_ help from the programmer.

But this relies on being able to distinguish binding from re-binding.

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