Orders of magnitude

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Mar 29 21:59:54 EST 2004

Simon Wittber wrote:

>>A list 10 million integers suck up ~160 megs of memory with Python.
> Sorting a list of 10000000 integers sounds like a job for Numeric.
> The below code does the job in 22 seconds. Numeric consumes ~40MB for
> the initial array, then grabs another ~40MB, once the sorting starts.
> Its about as lean as you can get it.

Nice solution.
Although not as general.
I also don't see how you can get along with sorting integers?
We are handling lots of strings.
And as said in another place, sorting is theoretically
inefficient, if you are asking for clusters of equality.
Maybe you should provide some definition of "the job".

ciao - chris

p.s.; this is the last time I manually will remove a "nospam"
email entry. Who should remove all the spam mailings, if people
like you don't help with it? :-)

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