vim & python

Ashot ashot at
Tue Mar 2 04:47:09 EST 2004

On 1 Mar 2004 17:48:17 -0800, poiboy <bitbucket at> wrote:

> Look at taglist.vim (links below), a popular souce-browsing Vim
> script. It's the only major script I'm using right now. I don't know
> of any definitive Python calltips available for Vim (I assume they
> would be difficult with flexible parameters and return values), but
> taglist.vim provides function prototypes in the form of parameter
> lists (search for 'prototype' in the taglist docs).
> I've tried a few nifty Python-specific scripts (search
> but always wound up forgetting the special commands and resorting to
> Vim staples. For example, the following two lines in my .vimrc were
> good enough to condense all the functions and classes in a file:
>     set foldmethod=indent
>     set foldnestmax=2
> My .vimrc also includes this "execute code and output results in new
> buffer" script (which should all be on one line):
>     map <F4> :w<CR>:let @a = system('`which python` ' .
> bufname('%'))<CR>:silent botright new output<CR>:silent normal "aP<CR>
> Normally I use GVim next to a terminal window tabbed with IPython
> ( and a browser tabbed with whatever documentation
> I may need - Python docs, RFCs, and project docs
> ( IPython helps access the nitty-gritty
> aspects of Python, Epydoc allows me to browse documentation and
> package structures elegantly. And though I am by no means a Python
> guru, I've posted a screenshot of my "modular IDE" in action (link
> below).
> I went through a do-it-all-in-Vim stage and left feeling as though I
> had just spent too much time playing with my tool. Keeping a browser
> and terminal open all the time anyway, I eventually dismissed the
> all-in-one paradigm as some quixotic jab at Emacs.
> Happy vimmings,
> poiboy
> taglist.vim
> exuberant ctags
> screenshot
> (197K,
> 1600x1200)
> Check out the function prototype on the bottom of GVim's window.

very nice.

Ashot Petrosian
University of Texas at Austin, Computer Science

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