Why Python?

Jacek Generowicz jacek.generowicz at cern.ch
Tue Mar 2 09:05:45 EST 2004

Gerhard Häring <gh at ghaering.de> writes:

> One debugging feature that Python doesn't support is
> "edit-while-debugging" (edit the function/method) you just debug,
> something which is possible in VB and VC6, for example)

Sorry ... what do you mean by "edit while debugging" ?

Something like XCode's "fix-n-continue" ?

In other words the ability to redefine a function in a running program
(possibly even before the stack has been unwound after an error (or
breakpoint) was encountered) ?

[Something which has been an inherent part of the language in many
members of the Lisp family for decades, BTW]

If you forget about not unwinding the stack, Python certainly supports

Now, how would one prevent stack unwiding when an exception is raised
... in order to allow the user to inspect the stack frames navigate
them, redifine any functions, and then allow continuation?

[I guess I could find the answer in the pdb source.]

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