ELF object file analysis tool in Python?

John Benson jsbenson at bensonsystems.com
Sat Mar 6 16:29:53 EST 2004

Thanks, but I'm looking to analyze an ELF file from a Tandem Himalaya
platform, but using Python on Windows XP. I'm hoping there's enough
standardization to the ELF format that I can pick it apart with an existing
tool regardless of the particular instruction set.

Message: 12
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 09:56:21 +0200
From: Miki Tebeka <miki.tebeka at zoran.com>
Subject: Re: ELF object file analysis tool in Python?
To: python-list at python.org
Cc: python-list at python.org
Message-ID: <40458FA5.40807 at zoran.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

Hello John,

> I already googled and only turned up some references dating from 2000.
> Anybody know of any current Python tool that can open up and dissect
> information from an ELF (Executable and Linking Format) object file? I
> care about machine language stuff, but goodies like what sources were used
> in the compile, and what routines are used.

Just parse the output of `objdump -g'. Note that some compiler (such as
MSVC) save the debug information in a different file (.pdb).


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