generic way to access C++ libs?

Gabriel Zachmann zach at
Mon Nov 8 07:33:16 EST 2004

>  The name mangling is not the important part - memory layout of the objects
>  is. As setting members is made due to offsets to the objects address in
>  memory, one has to know exactly in which order declared and possibly

given the header file of the c++ lib, it should be possible to determine
that at run-time.

Or, one could give the header file to the generic python wrapper module and
tell the module also, with which compiler the c++ lib was compiled.


| There are works which wait,                                             |
| and which one does not understand for a long time; [...]                |
| for the question often arrives a terribly long time after the answer.   |
|                                                         (Oscar Wilde)   |
| zach at            __@/'     |

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