decorators ?

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Tue Nov 30 13:46:25 EST 2004

km <km at> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  was going thru the new features introduced into python2.4 version.
> i was stuck with 'decorators' -  can someone explain me the need of such a thing called decorators ? 

Decorators are not 'needed'.  They are a convenience.

Among the things that they are meant to make more convenient are the

class foo:
    def goo(arg, ...):

rather than...

class foo:
    def goo(arg, ...):
    goo = staticmethod(goo)

And other things of its ilk.  Where they will be used the most right off
is in function signatures for PyObjC bindings in (I believe) OSX by Bob
Ippolito.  Using his example:

class FooClass(NSObject):
     def returnsAnInteger(self):
         return 1
     returnsAnInteger = objc.selector(returnsAnInteger, signature='i@:')

     def returnsVoidTakesAnInteger_(self, anInteger):
     returnsVoidTakesAnInteger_ = \
         objc.selector(returnsVoidTakesAnInteger_, signature='v@:i')


def signature(sig):
     def _signature(fn):
         return objc.selector(fn, signature=sig)
     return _signature

class FooClass(NSObject):
     def returnsAnInteger(self):
         return 1

     def returnsVoidTakesAnInteger_(self, anInteger):

 - Josiah

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