goto, cls, wait commands

Grant Edwards grante at
Thu Feb 10 11:21:06 EST 2005

On 2005-02-10, BOOGIEMAN <BOOGIEMANPN at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> First of all, what's Python command equivalent to QBasic's "goto" ?

There isn't one.  

One defines functions and calls them. One uses for and while
loops.  One uses list comprehensions.  One uses if/elif/else.

> Secondly, how do I clear screen (cls) from text and other content ?

That depends on the host system.  Under Unix, you can do
os.system('clear').  Or you can use ncurses.  Or you can use
os.system to run the 'tput' command with appropriate parameters
-- see the tput man page.

There's probably some way to do it in Windows as well, but I
don't do windows.

> And last, how do I put program to wait certain amount of
> seconds ?

time.sleep(1) will wait for 1 second.
time.sleep(5.5) will wait for 5.5 seconds.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Yow! I like my new
                                  at               DENTIST...

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