WYSIWYG wxPython "IDE"....?

Simon John simoninusa2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Feb 4 18:44:18 EST 2005

I'm writing my 2nd large wxPython program, and after the problems I
found doing the first's layout in code, I'd like to look at using a
'WYSIWYG' IDE, like VisualStudio does for MFC.

I've tried a few that I found, wxGlade is probably the best, although
it seems to be not 100% WYSIWYG (like the widgets in the preview are
not much like the final program), wxDesigner has a horrid GUI for a GUI
designer! VisualWX gave me the 'now what?' feeling when I started a new

I find the sizer layout thing is what's holding these programs back, is
there another wxWidgets layout system, so that I could just drag'n'drop
widgets wherever I want in a window, more like Qt or MFC?

I'd like to just put a TextCtrl with a few buttons underneath it
without having to create two boxsizers or a gridsizer!

I'd like to create something like the main XMMS (or Winamp) window:


But that would be a 3-way vertical sizer, a 2-way horizontal and a
2-way vertical at least just for the main (top left) window.

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