what are PyObject *globals and PyObject *locals ?

Olivier Sessink olivier at olivier.nospam.pk.wau.nl
Thu Feb 24 09:06:46 EST 2005

Hi all,

I want to make a value available to the global namespace of an embedded
python interpreter. Several functions of the Python/C API feature a
PyObject *globals and a PyObject *locals, so my guess is that these can be
used for this purpose. Unfortunately, the Python/C API does not describe
how this works.

If I want for example, to create a variable MyVar that can be read by the
python code in some filename, to be run with PyRun_AnyFile();, how can I
do this?

Or do I misunderstand the API, and can Py_InitModule() register both
functions *and* variables? (and how to register the variable then?)


(I know extending is the preferred solution, unfortunately I was not aware
of this some years ago)

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