threads and sleep?

Jeffrey Maitland jeff.maitland at
Tue Jul 5 10:57:18 EDT 2005

Hello all,

First off Thanks for the responses on the sleep() part  I suspected as
much but I wasn't 100% sure.

To continue this I just want to pre thank anyone that contributes to
this thread(lol).

Ok here goes. The problem I have is I had an application
(wrote/co-wrote) that has a long run time dependant on some variables
passed to it (mainly accuracy variables, the more accurate the longer
the run time - makes sense). However in the hopes to speed it up I
decided to write a threaded version  of the program to try and speed
it up.  How ever what I am noticing is that the threaded version is
taking as long possibly longer to run.  The thing is the threaded
version is running on an 8 ia-64 proccessor system and it seems to
only be using 2 or 3 porcessors at about 30% (fluxiates).  My guess is
that 6 threads are running they are using 30% sprox each of a 2 given

What I would like to do is have say 1 thread use as much of a given
CPU as possible and if a new thread is started (added) that if a CPU
is available use it instead of using the same cpu. That way it should
speed the application up.  The standalone (non-threaded) app uses 90+
% of a single cpu when in this part of the algorithm, that is why I
split and threaded that part of the algorithm there to try and speed
it up because this part is repeated several times.   I can post
generic code of what I am doing but can't post the actuall code
because of the confidentially of it.  Thanks again in advance for any
and all comments (even any spitefull ones)


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