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Dear Group,
<p>When I run the following program in PythonWin, I get a dialogue box
that looks like any other Windows' window that asks for my age,
<p><img SRC="cid:part1.37E86379.6A7ECBC6@megsinet.net" height=100 width=335>
<p>so I enter my age (31) and but the output goes to the interactive window.
<p><img SRC="cid:part2.37E86379.6A7ECBC6@megsinet.net" height=368 width=600>
<br>at the same time that this window pops up.
<br><img SRC="cid:part3.37E86379.6A7ECBC6@megsinet.net" height=100 width=335>
<p> How can I make the output go to the second dialogue box instead
of to the interactive window? And I also want to get rid of the input
space and the cancel button on the second window.
<p>### get the original age
<br>age = input("Enter your age (in human years): ")
<br>print #
print a blank line
<p>### do some range checking, then print result
<br>if age < 0:
<br> print "Negative age?!?
I don't think so."
<br>elif age < 3 or age > 110:
<br> print "Frankly, I don't
believe you."
<br> print "That's", age*7, "in
dog years."
<p>### pause for Return key (so window doesn't disappear)
<br>raw_input('<press OK>')
<p>Thanks in advance,
<p>David O.</html>