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I only just started reading this news group myself, but I whole agree with
you. I don't see any real need or desire for any sort of interface
in Python, at least not from any of my uses of it I suppose.
<p>Alex Shindich wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I guess I should just give up my fight against PEP
<br>It is clear to me that either I am the only one who things that interfaces,
<br>at least in the proposed form, are next to useless in Python, or those
<br>agree with me do not read the news group, or simply don't care enough
<br>It is also obvious to me that there is serious thrust for interface
<br>coming from "Digital Creations"...
<br>(Do new Guido's employers have a lot of say in the situation? I can
<br>speculate that they do... but then again I don't know for sure.)
<p>One thing still bothers me -- Perl people will have a real reason to
<br>Indeed, interfaces in a loosely typed language that supports
<br>introspection -- that's a real joke!
Eric Renouf
Software Engineer
Opticom Inc.