<title>Documento senza titolo</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
var end;
function start_player()
//gets the page location with the querystring
var loc_string = top.location.href;
var res = loc_string;
//extract only the querystring
res = loc_string.substring(loc_string.indexOf('?')+1,loc_string.length);
//split the 3 querystrings
var com = res.split("&");
//get the start time
var start = com[0].substring(com[0].indexOf('=')+1,com[0].length);
//get the end time
end = com[1].substring(com[1].indexOf('=')+1,com[1].length);
//get the location with unescape function
var location = unescape(com[2].substring(com[2].indexOf('=')+1,com[2].length));
//set media file url
document.wmedia.Url = location;
//set start position
document.wmedia.Controls.currentPosition = start;
//play the file
<body onload="start_player()">
<object classid="clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" width="280" height="228" hspace="0" vspace="0" id="wmedia">
<param name="AutoStart" value="False">
<param name="UIMode" value="full">
<param name="Volume" value="100">
<param name="CanSeek" value="True">
<param name="CanSeekToMarkers" value="True">
<param name="ShowStatusBar" value="False">
<param name="URL" value="">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="textfield" id="textfield">
<script language="javascript" type="text/JavaScript">
//sets the timer every 100ms
var idI = window.setInterval("timerWmp();", 100);
function timerWmp()
//gets the current positon
var cur_pos = document.wmedia.Controls.currentPosition;
//if current position is bigger than end position, stop the player
var stop_pos = end;
//set state to "PAUSE"
//kill timer