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The module can be used with both standard Tkinter and Tix, and makes it
quite easy to e.g. drop a bunch of files from a file manager onto any
Tkinter widget.
It comes with a basic reference manual and a small demo app.
It can be found at
<a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://www.8ung.at/klappnase/TkinterDnD/TkinterDnD.html"><http://www.8ung.at/klappnase/TkinterDnD/TkinterDnD.html></a>.
Any feedback is much appreciated.
Best regards
Hi Michael and list,<br>
I tried to run dnddemo.py (win XP, Python2.4).<br>
but get:<br>
File "C:\Documents and
line 333, in _require<br>
tkdndver = tkroot.tk.call('package', 'require', 'tkdnd')<br>
TclError: can't find package tkdnd<br>
Probably something went wrong installing tkdnd.<br>
I got the libtkdnd10.dll from
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://mirror.optusnet.com.au/sourceforge/t/tk/tkdnd/">http://mirror.optusnet.com.au/sourceforge/t/tk/tkdnd/</a> but am not so
sure where to put it.<br>
The installation section on
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.iit.demokritos.gr/~petasis/Tcl/tkDND/tkDND.html">http://www.iit.demokritos.gr/~petasis/Tcl/tkDND/tkDND.html</a><br>
'If your platform is <b>Microsoft Windows</b>, then allong with the
there is a stubs enabled dynamic library (dll) that was built
against tk8.4a1, with the use of VC++ 5.0. If you cannot use the
binary, then you can always create the required library by using the
project files located in the "win" directory of the tkDND distribution.
In all other cases, you should create the library only from the files
located in the directories "win" (*.cpp *.h) and "generic" (*.c *.h).
You will need a C++ compiler for this.'<br>
wasn't very helpful for me.<br>
Maybe someone can give me a simple howto for installing this?<br>
thank you,<br>