Hi all.<br>In my application I have to do implement a lot of networking in python<br>My application can create with a GUI a XML file in a string.(and now my application can do it wow!!)<br>This string has to be sended to another host. i need a python application that send this string via UDP.
<br>The packet of this communication is |int|payload| where payload is the XML string.<br>After the send my application has to wait for a response and has to receive response.<br>For the heaven it should be implemented with separated thread. A thread send/receive while another indipendent thread do same.
<br><br>Have you any ideas to do it more simply as possible?<br>What is the best way to di it??<br>What is the best way to thread programming in python?<br><br>Thanks all for your help with me!<br>-- <br>Sbaush