Hi guys,<br>There was an instence in our office whereby someone happened to get his eyes on information he is not supposed to.<br><br>I got an idea to write a python application which ciphers and enciphers informationation (converting it to a format which only the person who changed it understands as he is the only one who has the program to decode the information).
<br><br>The program will allways have to be pysicaly separated from the machine where data is kept.<br><br>I'm putting here the 'encoded' text for someone to try to encipher the text or tell me what is the chance that one can encipher the text.
<br><br><br>Here we go..<br><br>.>. 3;0.$0.8:;07&:00: 07&.>..&;.$> 9::.$0. .&;..9>.;.$0.3;0 ;...$0.3;0 9::.$0. 3;014>.>.9::$> .;>..$0..$0.:00: >6..12>9::;...$0..9>.; :->.$0.:00:$>.
<br><br>:-><.>.9>.; ;>.$0..9$$>.$0..9>.;$> ;..$>07&>6.<br><br><br>Regards, Atanas Cosmas Nkelame<br>Dar es Salaam-Tanzania-East Africa<br><b><span id="_user_python-list@python.org"></span>