How do i share memory between processes?<br><br><b><i>"" <></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> John Henry wrote:<br>> If you're sharing things, I would thread. I would not want to pay the<br>> expense of a process.<br><br>This is generally a false cost. There are very few applications where<br>thread/process startup time is at all a fast path, and there are<br>likewise few where the difference in context switching time matters at<br>all. Indeed, in a Python program on a multiprocessor system, process<br>are potentially faster than threads, not slower.<br><br>Moreover, to get at best a small performance gain you pay a huge cost<br>by sacrificing memory protection within the threaded process.<br><br>You can share things between processes, but you can't memory protect<br>things between threads. So if you need some of each (some
things<br>shared and others protected), processes are the clear choice.<br><br>Now, for a few applications threads make sense. Usually that means<br>applications that have to share a great number of complex data<br>structures (and normally, making the choice for performance reasons<br>means your design is flawed and you could help performance greatly by<br>reworking it--though there may be some exceptions). But the general<br>rule when choosing between them should be "use processes when you can,<br>and threads when you must".<br><br>Sadly, too many programmers greatly overuse threading. That problem is<br>exacerbated by the number of beginner-level programming books that talk<br>about how to use threads without ever mentioning processes (and without<br>going into the design of multi-execution apps).<br><br>-- <br><br></blockquote><br><p> __________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired
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