Hi All,<br><br>Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.2.8 have been released<br><br>Details on Pydev Extensions: <a href="http://www.fabioz.com/pydev">http://www.fabioz.com/pydev</a><br>Details on Pydev: <a href="http://pydev.sf.net">
http://pydev.sf.net</a> <br>Details on its development: <a href="http://pydev.blogspot.com">http://pydev.blogspot.com</a><br><br>Release Highlights in Pydev Extensions:<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------
<br><br> * Code-analysis: when a compare statement is found out of a test scope, that's reported as a warning<br> * Mark Occurrences: new option to choose whether strings and comments should be highlighted<br> * Simple Completions: some keywords were removed from the default list (the 2-letter ones because they're barely worth it and those related to 'try', as there's already an assistant that creates 'try' blocks)
<br> * Rename refactoring / Mark Occurrences: matches in multi-line strings are now correct<br><br><br>Release Highlights in Pydev:<br>----------------------------------------------<br><br> * Refactoring: integration of the PEPTIC refactoring engine
<br> * Package Explorer: many fixes (special thanks for Don Taylor for the bug reports)<br> * Debugger: a number of small optimizations<br> * Code-completion: works in emacs mode<br> * Code-completion: added the possibility of auto-completing for all letter chars and '_' (so, it starts completing once you start writing)
<br> * Code-completion: code-completion for epydoc inside strings<br> * Code-completion: assigns after global statement considered added to the global namespace<br> * Code-completion: now works when a class is declared in a nested scope
<br> * Code-completion: if multiple assigns are found to some variable, the completion will be a merge of them<br> * Code-completion: functions are analyzed for their return values for code-completion purposes<br> * Code-completion: working on multi-line imports
<br> * Code-completion: can discover instance variables not declared in the class (in the scope where the class was instanced)<br> * Auto-edit: adds 'self', 'cls' or no parameter based on the @clasmethod, @staticmethod declaration on previous line
<br> * Auto-edit: doesn't add 'self' if a method is declared in a method inner scope<br> * Fix: BRM Refactoring: wrong column was being passed to the BRM refactoring engine<br> * Code-folding: added for comments and strings
<br> * Fix: sometimes the 'create docstring' assistant was not recognizing method definitons<br><br><br><br>What is PyDev?<br>---------------------------<br><br>PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting, syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.
<br><br><br>Cheers,<br><br>-- <br>Fabio Zadrozny<br>------------------------------------------------------<br>Software Developer<br><br>ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software<br><a href="http://www.esss.com.br">
http://www.esss.com.br</a><br><br>Pydev Extensions<br><a href="http://www.fabioz.com/pydev">http://www.fabioz.com/pydev</a><br><br>Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse<br><a href="http://pydev.sf.net">http://pydev.sf.net
</a><br><a href="http://pydev.blogspot.com">http://pydev.blogspot.com</a>