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I suspect he wants to do this just for the kicks.<br>
Just for completion, <a href="http://www.truecrypt.org/">Truecrypt</a>
does precisely what you need. It has to be installed, but you could
carry the installer unencrypted in the same USB drive.<br>
Larry Bates wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid-bOdnSzyH4JAFJTbnZ2dnUVZ_sWdnZ2d@comcast.com"
<pre wrap="">Brian Erhard wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I am still fairly new to python and wanted to attempt a home made
password protection program. There are files that I carry on a USB
flash drive that I would like to password protect. Essentially, I
would like to password protect an entire directory of files. Is there
a way to auto execute a python script after a user double clicks to
open a folder on the USB drive? How can you capture that double click
event on a specific folder?
<pre wrap=""><!---->Unless you are just doing this to learn, I would suggest you purchase
USB key with encryption included. They are REALLY cheap.
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.kingston.com/flash/DataTravelers_enterprise.asp">http://www.kingston.com/flash/DataTravelers_enterprise.asp</a>
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