Hi folks,<br><br>in a program I'm writing I have several commands I pass to the unix OS underneath the code.<br><br>I want to perform error checking to make sure that the OS commands' exit gracefully, but I'm not seeing a simple python module to do this. The closest I can see is system(), as detailed here:
<a href="http://www.python.org/doc/2.1.3/lib/os-process.html">http://www.python.org/doc/2.1.3/lib/os-process.html</a>, but I can't formulate a way to use it. <br><br>What I want is a simple if statement such that:<br>
<br>if ExitStatusIsBad:<br> sys.exit()<br>else:<br> go on to next code chunk<br><br><br><br>James<br>