He's secretly an employee of Wing IDE in disguise!!!<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 8/1/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">Joshua J. Kugler</b> <<a href="mailto:joshua@eeinternet.com">joshua@eeinternet.com</a>
> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">On Wednesday 01 August 2007 13:28, John K Masters wrote:<br><br>> On 15:34 Tue 31 Jul , Wingware wrote:
<br>>> Hi,<br>>><br>>> I'm happy to announce the first beta release of Wing IDE 3.0. It is<br>>> available from <a href="http://wingware.com/wingide/beta">http://wingware.com/wingide/beta</a><br>
> If their support for paid customers is anything like their support for<br>> prospective customers then I would leave well alone.<br><br>I've had excellent support from them. I'm sorry to hear your experiences
<br>have not been stellar. Questions submitted to the bug or comment list<br>usually get a response in one day or less. And there are frequently<br>respones by WingWare people to just about every question asked on the<br>
WingWare mailing list.<br><br>> I have been trying wing for a few days but have noticed that<br>> auto-completion does not work on all modules. I submitted this to wing<br>> and was told that probably my PYTHONPATH was wrong.
<br><br>It may also not work if the IDE isn't sure what kind of object you are<br>dealing with. You can "clarify" this as documented with an<br>assert(isinstance()) statement.<br><br>> I subsequently submitted a question about the licensing,
i.e. whether I<br>> could use wing on a home setup using Debian Etch, where I develop my<br>> apps, and a work setup, using Debian Etch, with no net access.<br><br>From <a href="http://www.wingware.com/wingide/license">
http://www.wingware.com/wingide/license</a>:<br><br>"Each Wing IDE user may run Wing on as many machines as needed for their own<br>work, for all the operating systems which they have licensed. In order to<br>reduce casual license sharing, which is a unfortunately a problem for small
<br>businesses like Wingware, licenses must be activated after installation on<br>each machine."<br><br>"We've worked hard to make this flexible and forgiving for valid customers.<br>For example, reinstalling an OS and/or altering hardware usually should not
<br>break your activation. Also, activation can be done directly from Wing IDE<br>and off-line activation is available if your machine does not have TCP port<br>80 (http) access to <a href="http://wingware.com">wingware.com
</a>. Each license is allowed three activations<br>by default and more can be obtained on request from identifiable<br>customers."<br><br>> So far I have had no response<br><br>I tend to let questions slide when they are answered in the documentation or
<br>on the web site. Maybe the Wing developers/support personnel are the same<br>way.<br><br>j<br><br>--<br>Joshua Kugler<br>Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer<br><a href="http://www.eeinternet.com">http://www.eeinternet.com
</a><br>PGP Key: <a href="http://pgp.mit.edu/">http://pgp.mit.edu/</a> ID 0xDB26D7CE<br><br>--<br><a href="http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list">http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list</a></blockquote>