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<TITLE>Re: copying files</TITLE>
<DIV id=idOWAReplyText83667 dir=ltr>
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<DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><SPAN
style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"><A
style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Hi Ricardo,<BR><BR>what do the +
signs do?</SPAN></DIV>
<DIV class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3><FONT
face="Times New Roman"> <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
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<FONT face=Tahoma size=2><B>From:</B> Ricardo Aráoz
[mailto:ricaraoz@gmail.com]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Wed 8/29/2007 2:51 PM<BR><B>To:</B>
Brian McCann<BR><B>Cc:</B> python-list@python.org<BR><B>Subject:</B> Re: copying
<P><FONT size=2>Brian McCann wrote:<BR>> Hi,<BR>> <BR>> with the
code below I set a variable TEST_HOME to a path and the<BR>> variable m to a
path<BR>> in my current dir.<BR>> I have a symbolic link setting
m---->lib<BR>> when I run the script I get no errors and the lib dir with
its 20 files<BR>> does not get copied to /v01/test_home<BR>> any help
would be greatly appreciated<BR>> <BR>> --Brian<BR>><BR>>
#!/usr/bin/python<BR>> import string<BR>> import os<BR>> import
sys<BR>> import errno<BR>> import shutil<BR>> import
tarfile<BR>> <BR>> TEST_HOME = "/v01/test_home"<BR>> m =
"./lib"<BR>> os.system("cp -r m TEST_HOME")<BR>> #os.system("tar -cvf
viziant-ingestion.tar /v01/")<BR>> <BR><BR>Sorry, meant : os.system("cp
-r " + m + " " + TEST_HOME)<BR><BR><BR></FONT></P></DIV>