hi. <br><br>my actual code is a bit too long to post here, but this is how the code works : the application loads, the first screen appears. it is to view the records in a database, so you can scroll and view records by clicking on the standard navigation buttons ( |<, <<, >>, >| ).
<br><br>the problem is that since all my navigation code is in one class, and the display class is called from class navigation() to make frame and the buttons, the frame and buttons are reloaded afresh each time. this means that if the text fields' lengths vary, the frame messily tends to move around to accommodate them.
<br><br>1. is it wrong (ie. inefficient/ slower/ BAD pgming practice!) to reload the frame and its children widgets every time?<br>2. is there a way to clear the frame of the child widgets? - this would solve the problem of the Jumping Buttons!
frame.destroy() seems to be crashing my application.<br><br>thank you for your patience!<br><br>regards, <br>mridula.<br><br><br><br>