Hi.<br><br>Lol, nope, I checked today too, and it happened again. Try running this as a script, not from the prompt - <br><br>class main():<br> def __init__(self):<br> rt.geometry("680x600")<br>
rt.config(bg="CornSilk")<br> rt.title("my miniscule app")<br> #MENU--------<br> menu = Menu(rt)<br> rt.config(menu=menu)<br> # create a menu<br> filemenu = Menu(menu), bg="White") #syntax error/ typo in this line.
<br> menu.add_cascade(label="Options", menu=filemenu)<br> filemenu.add_command(label="Add New")#, command=callback)<br> filemenu.add_command(label="Edit")<br> filemenu.add_command
(label="Delete")<br> filemenu.add_separator()<br> filemenu.add_command(label="Exit")<br> self.dbConnect()<br> self.nowgather(gctr)<br> self.showfixed()<br> self.showrecords
()<br><br> def dbConnect(self): #error gets thrown here as a tab-space indentation error.<br> #connects to database D:/Catalogue.mdb, and gathers all data in a recordset<br> #called rs. Puts this information into individual lists by field name
<br> global gmax<br> #setting record count to zero afresh.<br> import win32com.client<br> conn = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')<br> DSN = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
; DATA SOURCE=D:/Catalogue.mdb;'<br> conn.Open(DSN)<br> rs = win32com.client.Dispatch('ADODB.Recordset')<br> rs_name="MyRecordSet"<br> rs.Cursorlocation = 3<br> rs.Open
('SELECT * FROM Library', conn)<br> gmax = rs.RecordCount<br><br><br>Regards,<br>Mridula.<br><br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
This is probably a bug in your mind, not in the compiler ;-)<br><br>Without more detail (i.e. the complete code or a sizable and relevant<br>chunk of it, pkus the copied error message) it's impossible to say<br>exactly what was happening. However I am pretty confident that the
<br>2.5.21 compiler will immediately report an unopened closing parenthesis<br>as a syntax error.<br><br> >>> something = "abc".replace("c"), "d")<br> File "<stdin>", line 1
<br> something = "abc".replace("c"), "d")<br> ^<br>SyntaxError: invalid syntax<br> >>><br><br>So, what was the problem again? Give us a little more detail, please.
<br><br>regards<br> Steve<br>