<div>Hi All,</div>
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<div>I've a probelm and solution for it to build the preface. Below it is the new problem I'm facing. Can someone help me out?</div>
<p><strong>Problem:</strong> I've have created a GUI (using wxPython widgets) where in I've a message log window (A TextCtrl window). <br>I've a router.dll that helps me putting in message onto a channel. In my script that generates the GUI,
<br>I want to continuously poll the channel and populate the messages from the channel to the message log window. <br> <br>For this I've to put a while (1) loop, but when I do this, the GUI doesn't come up. I see the GUI coming
<br>when while(1) is removed. Is there any issue with usage of app.mainloop and while(1) together.</p>
<p><strong>Solution: </strong>I used:<br> self.Bind (wx. EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)<br> <br>And in the OnIdle function, I check if the data is available on the channel. <br>Referred: <a href="http://wiki.wxpython.org/LongRunningTasks">
<p><br><strong>New Problem: </strong>I am opening and executing a script from the GUI. The script has a many log messages, <br>which it posts on some shared memory. The GUI reads the messages from the shared memory, <br>
in the Idle loop. But the script is huge and so the logging is not run-time. <br>Rather this happens only after the script has executed. Moreover, the GUI becomes <br>un-responsive till the script has completely executed.
<div>Do you have any suggestions for this?</div>
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<div>Thanks & Regards,</div>