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I did not byte-compile the python-mode.el. Does this change anything? I still cannot get the ipython commad prompt.<BR>
Frank<BR><BR>> Subject: RE: Anyone knows how to use xemacs with ipython or python on WinXP? [phishing][html-removed]<BR>> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 15:57:59 -0500<BR>> From: fred.sells@adventistcare.org<BR>> To: python-list@python.org<BR>> <BR>> you did remember to "byte-compile" the python-mode.el file?<BR>> <BR>> > I am struggling to make the ipython or python works in <BR>> > xemacs. I have been seraching on the internet for a solution <BR>> > for one day. I have put python-mode.el and ipython.el in the <BR>> > load-path and in the xemacs I type: M-x load library ipython. <BR>> > Then M-x py-shell. However, I could not get the ipython <BR>> > command window. emacs only creates a python window. If I exit <BR>> > the xemacs, it will say an active process exit, do you want <BR>> > to kill it? It seems the process is running but it could not <BR>> > display the command window.<BR>> > <BR>> > My ipython version is 0.8.1 and python-mode version is 4.76.<BR>> > <BR>> > Thanks<BR>> > <BR>> > Frank<BR>> > _________________________________________________________________<BR>> > 10??????????????1?????????2???????????<BR>> > http://keyword.jp.msn.com/default.aspx<BR>> > -- <BR>> > http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list<BR>> > <BR>> -- <BR>> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list<BR><BR><br /><hr />Hotmail$B$,$*FO$1$9$k!"9,$;$K$J$k$?$a$N%a!<%k%^%,%8%s!V%S%8%M%99,J!O@!W<B;\Cf(B <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/msnjpqjl0040000015gbl/direct/01/' target='_new'>http://go.windowslive.jp/</a></body>