Hello list,<br><br>I'd like to set up ssh access to my home computer so that I will be able to access it from work - for this no problem, installing sshd is straightforward. <br><br>The issue here is that I don't have a fixed IP connection at home. Also, I wouldn't like to use services such as no-ip or similar.
<br><br>What I thought was of writing a python program that would detect when the internet network interface was restarted/started for the first time and then update a DNS record at my DNS server where I would have a subdomain that for my home machine's host.
<br><br>However, I have no idea on how I could detect if the network has been restarted nor how I could update this DNS record. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated :)<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Marcelo.<br>