Hey just wondering could anyone help me <br><br>Have script that runs through cron but seams to run but xen-create-image goes to end but shoes up errors because some stuff it not being passed.<br>./grabJob.py<br> # RUN all the Create ENVIRONMNET commands here<br>
run="/usr/bin/xen-create-image --hostname=%s --ip=%s" % (hostname, ipadd[0])<br> print run;<br> try:<br> fs=os.popen(run)<br> for file in fs:<br> error = error + file<br>
<br>If run just ./grabJob.py it works ok and outputs <br>en:/var/www/apache2-default# ./grabJob.py <br>Grabbing Jobs<br>running create<br>Jobs runnning....<br>Creating environment ckortenhorst1<br>/usr/bin/xen-create-image --hostname=ckortenhorst1 --ip=<a href=""></a><br>
DONE<br><br clear="all"> Can anyone help<br><br>-- <br>Christian Kortenhorst<br>+353-(0)87-6183349<br>+353-(0)1-4966287