<div dir="ltr">Hello, I'm a longtime lurker of python-list, python-C++ and a couple of others.<br><br>I have a commercial project being prototyped in Python, brought to a very fine level of completion and which needs to be ported to C++. I would like to outsource this project - does anybody have any experience with Python -> C++ porting that could give advice? Does anybody have any experience with outsourcing such projects?<br>
<br>Any experience (or being redirected to a more appropriate forum) would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>I'm currently thinking about breaking the program down into pieces inside unit tests then taking care of them via <a href="http://rentacoder.com">rentacoder.com</a> but having no experience I don't know if this idea is good or not.<br>
<br> David<br></div>