<div dir="ltr"><p>I have a written a generator for an apache log which returns two types of information, <br>hostname and the filename requested.</p>
<p>The 'log' generator can be 'consumed' like this:</p>
<p>for r in log:<br> print r['host'], r['filename']</p>
<p>I want to find the top '100' hosts (sorted in descending order of total requests) like follows:</p>
<p>host filename1 filename2 filename3 .... Total</p>
<p>hostA 6 9 45 110<br>hostC 4 43 43 98<br>hostB 34 4 45 83</p>
<p>and so on.</p>
<div>Is there a fast way to this without scanning the log file many times?<br>Thanks in advance.</div>
<div>- Jo</div></div>