Hi, <br> I am looking for a bunch of rules or a tool that takes the code for my python class and checks the amount of code bloat and points out where i can improve. I am a n00b to python and built an application linking wordnet and graph packages. but somehow have this nagging feeling my code is too bloated with too many functions..... might just be paranoia , but worth an investigation i guess.....<br>
<br>Sorry if this is a repeat/trivial question, I could not find any comprehensive links on google or the mailing list archive that is within my gmail. Currently, trying to download the other archives and index using whoosh and try searching it.<br>
<br>Thanks<br><br clear="all">==============================================<br>Anand J<br>Center for Behaviour and Cognitive Sciences<br>University of Allahabad<br>Allahabad-211002<br><a href="http://sites.google.com/a/cbcs.ac.in/students/anand">http://sites.google.com/a/cbcs.ac.in/students/anand</a><br>
==============================================<br>The man who is really serious,<br>with the urge to find out what truth is,<br>has no style at all. He lives only in what is.<br> ~Bruce Lee<br><br><br>