Okay, I found the root of the weird box problem on the top left corner. It has something to do with my panels. I changed the code so that I directly used the StaticBitmap and TextCtrl inside the Frame class and the weird box was gone. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with the Panels. Can anyone help?<br>
<br>Also, I poked around other forums and it seems StaticBitmaps doesn't really trigger events (it's a static control). I tried using GenStaticBitmaps in the wx.lib.statbmp, and was able to achieve some triggers (for example, wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW). However, I want to make it so that my picture is a button without having to look like one of the standard looking buttons (like you have in wx.BitmapButton). Is there some sort of way to do that? <br>
<br>Thanks. <br><br><br>