Hi All,<br> I am using<b> Python 2.6, MySQL 4.0</b> , I have successfully Instaled MySQLdb (<b>MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.win32-py2.6</b>) in my system. I tested through command prompt with "import MySQLdb ", its not shwing any errors (means its instaled successfully), I set Eneceranment variable for Python <br>
<br>I am running simple application with import "MySQLdb" to get the connection to MySQL, But its throwing "No module named MySQLdb", Please any one tell me what couled be the reasion <br><br>is there any version miss match with python and MySQL ?<br>
<br>Since last 3days I am strugling on this <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Regards<br>Kalyan<br><br>