Hi,<br><br><br> Contrary to the ancient and, I believe, obsolete text in the documentation,<br> there is no 'python bytecode'. Dis is based on CPython bytecode. <br> Jython uses Java bytecode. IronPython uses, I believe, Microsoft clr bytecode. Object code compilers do not use bytecode.<br>
<br> Before going through the one of the existing VM implementations, i want to know if there is there any informaition<br> available which elaborates on the structure of the bytecodes. Like details regarding co_names, co_cellvars,<br>
co_freevars, the concept of frames, global, local, objects, functions etc with respect to the bytecode.<br><br> These are mostly version-specific Cpython implementation details.<br><br> tjr<br><br>I agree, i am looking at a version-specific CPython implementation, or can be PyPy even . I need some information <br>
on the implementation of these interpreters which would help me visualize how they can be mapped to hardware.<br><br> It probably wouldn't help much. CPython's performance problems<br> come from excessive dictionary lookups, not from instruction decode.<br>
<br> John Nagle<br><br>This is just for my personal interest so currently i am not looking at performance - just be able to implement a basic core at first.<br>The idea is to then extend it and develop a self contained unit of computation which can be reconfigured on the fly. So given enough <br>
memory and I/Os the same module can behave differently depending on the script loaded. One can either have a large monolithic cpu<br>running an OS of some sorts or smaller processors each executing their own little scripts and communicating with each other.<br>