<div><div><div><div>Hi there,<br><br>We are writing to announce the release of "Tabular", a package of Python modules for working with tabular data. <br><br>Tabular is a package of Python modules for working with tabular
data. Its main object is the tabarray class, a data structure for
holding and manipulating tabular data. By putting data into a tabarray
object, you’ll get a representation of the data that is more flexible
and powerful than a native Python representation. More specifically,
tabarray provides:
<br><br>-- ultra-fast filtering, selection, and numerical analysis methods, using convenient Matlab-style matrix operation syntax<br></div>-- spreadsheet-style operations, including row & column operations, 'sort', 'replace', 'aggregate', 'pivot', and 'join'<br>
</div>-- flexible load and save methods for a variety of file formats, including delimited text (CSV), binary, and HTML<br></div>-- helpful inference algorithms for determining formatting parameters and data types of input files<br>
-- support for hierarchical groupings of columns, both as data structures and file formats<br><br>You can download Tabular from PyPI
(<a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/tabular/">http://pypi.python.org/pypi/tabular/</a><a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/tabular/" target="_blank"></a>) or alternatively clone our hg
repository from bitbucket
(<a href="http://bitbucket.org/elaine/tabular/">http://bitbucket.org/elaine/tabular/</a><a href="http://bitbucket.org/elaine/tabular/" target="_blank"></a>). We also have posted
tutorial-style Sphinx documentation
(<a href="http://www.parsemydata.com/tabular/">http://www.parsemydata.com/tabular/</a>).<br><br>The tabarray object is based on the <a href="http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.recarray.html?highlight=recarray#numpy.recarray" target="_blank">record array</a> object from the Numerical Python package (<a href="http://numpy.scipy.org/" target="_blank">NumPy</a>),
and Tabular is built to interface well with NumPy in
general. Our intended audience is two-fold: (1) Python users who, though they
may not be familiar with NumPy, are in need of a way to work
with tabular data, and (2) NumPy users who would like to do
spreadsheet-style operations on top of their more "numerical" work. <br>
</div><br>We hope that some of you find Tabular useful! <br>
Elaine and Dan