Any body got any ideas how to do the following...<br><br>I would like to be able to write an app in python that keeps it's persistent data in a sqlite database file.<br><br>So far so good. The problem, is that I need the python app and the sqlite db file to exist in the same disk file. This way the app to access the data and the data are in the same file.<br>
<br>If there is a way to do this, I could (for example) have an address book app, _AND_ the address book all in the same file. I could put the file on a usb stick and move it to any other computer. Then click on the file and get my address book, all without installing anything (even temporary files) on the local computer. I could add new entries into my address book, copy the "app+db" file to yet another computer... Note that this would _not_ extract and/or install files into the local computer. Everything would always stay within the one "app+db" file.<br>
<br>I suspect that one way to do it would be to have a generic boot-up script that does some magic that will convince sqlite that the database is some offset into the file. That way the first part of the file would remain untouched by sqlite so the file could start with the usual, "#!/usr/bin/env python" stuff. The actual app could be placed in a well known entry in the db.<br>
<br>Of course the, "app" could not use any loadable modules that are not, "common" (and/or keep loadable modules in the db somehow) allowing it to be moved to most machines. BTW., "most machines" doesn't have to include Windoz machines...<br>
<br>Any ideas?<br><br>tom<br>