Hi;<br>I have the following code:<br> sql = 'create table if not exists categories (ID int(3) unsigned primary key, Category varchar(40), Parent varchar(40))'<br> cursor.execute(sql)<br> cursor.execute('select Category, Parent from categories;')<br>
data = cursor.fetchall()<br> parents = []<br> Parents = []<br> for dat in data:<br> if dat[1] not in parents:<br> parents.append(dat[1])<br> Categories.append(dat[0])<br> Parents.append(dat[1])<br> Parents.sort()<br>
families = []<br> for parent in Parents:<br> children = []<br> for dat in data:<br> if dat[0] == parent:<br> children.append(dat[1])<br> families.append([parent, children])<br><br>Now, what I want to do is to capture all nested categories, such that if x is the parent of y who is the parent of z, etc., I can print out the entire family tree. I'm at a loss as to how to do it! Please advise.<br>