Hi;<br>I have the following code that execute without a problem:<br><br>import sys,os<br>sys.path.append(os.getcwd())<br>import options<br>storesTables = []<br>junkStores = string.join(addStore(), ', ')<br>for table in optionsTables():<br>
if table not in ('particulars', junkStores):<br> storesTables.append(table)<br>for table in storesTables:<br> try:<br> fn = getattr(options, table)<br> print fn()<br> except:<br> pass<br><br>I need to change the obvious line to this or something similar (that actually works):<br>
<br> fn = getattr(options, '%s("names")' % table)<br><br>That is, I need to pass the variable "names" to each table as it is called. How do I do this?<br>TIA,<br>Victor<br>